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HD Psychology: Psychology ENCYCLOPEDIA: is an academic and applied discipline in the scientific study of mental processes and behavior, concerns the application of such knowledge various spheres of human activity, including those relating to people's daily life, and treatment mental illness.
It is largely related to humans, although the behavior and mental processes of animals can also be part of the research of psychology, either as a subject in its own right (animal cognition and ethology), or more controversial, as a way to get an insight into human psychology through the comparison (including comparative psychology).
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Thus, also this fabulous Encyclopedia can be used rotating the device horizontally and vertically.
You can have this beautiful HD Psychology Encyclopaedia for study and learning at your fingertips and use it in schools, colleges, universities or with your family.
You can learn and study in the Encyclopedia useful topics as, history, existentialism, gestalt, etc. how it works and much more ...
Among some of the main themes of this amazing Encyclopedia, of Psychology include:
21 Topics ( HD Psychology )
• History
• Psychoanalysis
• Behaviorism
• Humanism
• Gestalt
• Existentialism
• Cognitivism
• Cognitive psychology
• Subfields
• Biological
• Biopsychosocial
• Clinical
• Cognitive
• Comparative
• Developmental
• Educational and school
• Research methods
• Qualitative and quantitative research
• Controlled experiments
• Survey questionnaires
• Longitudinal studies
• Observation in natural settings
• Qualitative and descriptive research
• Neuropsychological methods
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