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Kicker Counter 1.2
Screen Shots:
A simple application to allow pregnant women to count the number of fetal kicks, swooshes, and other movements in a one hour period, an often recommended procedure.
Simply load the application and tap the "foot" when you feel the first movement. The countdown timer will tell you when the hour is up. If you exit the program while the timer is running, the program's icon will tell you how many kicks you've felt, and the countdown will resume (taking into account the duration it was not running).
A running log tells you the date and time you started each countdown, and the number of kicks you felt.
You can email the log to whomever you wish using your device's email application.
Important Information:
This software should not be used or relied upon in any way for medical purposes, and should be used only under the supervision of a physician or medical practitioner. It should not be used as a substitute for prenatal care by an appropriate medical practitioner, and you should seek the guidance of such a practitioner in connection with your pregnancy.