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Naming Therappy 1.05
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**This App Now Also Available for Android**
Naming TherAppy is the best-selling word-finding app to help people with aphasia and children with special needs practice important naming and description skills, and now you can add your own images!
Designed by a Speech-Language Pathologist for use in the home and clinic, this app features beautiful photos, real voice, and full customization with over 700 words included!
***Try it for FREE as part of Language TherAppy Lite***
***One of four full apps included in Language TherAppy***
"Great!!! This is a fantastic and very practical application! This app is well worth it! 5 stars!"
"This app has proven to be very helpful for multiple children on my caseload who have difficulty using expanded descriptive language. 5 stars!"
This app has 4 parts:
1) Naming Practice: 400+ pictured nouns with an evidence-based cueing hierarchy and optional self-scoring with the option to add your own photos and cues. The app records which cue was used to get the correct answer and produces a score report for email. Use different cues within Naming Practice to target confrontation naming, responsive naming, phrase completion, repetition, and oral reading.
2) Describe: 480+ pictures with 4-6 semantic & 4 phonemic question prompts for semantic feature analysis, phonological components analysis, and expanding expression skills. You can add your own words and select from 20 prompts to go with them. Icons representing questions prompting for information about the appearance, category, function, shape, size, color, taste, location and more surround each picture. Target sound knowledge by hearing prompts for first and last sound, rhyming words, and syllables.
3) Naming Test: a set presentation of 30 pictures with scoring and a report. This is a non-standardized test intended for screening a person's ability to name common items. It contains common and less common items of the categories contained in this app. A perfect screener!
4) Flashcards: 700+ clear, full-color pictures including verbs and adjectives; touch to hear the spoken word or see the printed word with the ability to add your own pictures. Use the verb pictures to create sentences or implement response elaboration training.
* Child-friendly mode turns off references to alcohol and violence and disables links to outside sites on the home screen
*New database controls let you turn each word on or off within the app, so you can customize even further
*Limit words by syllable length to just practice the short ones or target the longer ones - perfect for apraxia
*Real recorded male voice provides neutral North American English accent in slow, natural speech for easy comprehension
*Tap is the only motion required - no dragging, swiping or pinching needed for new users and those with motor impairment
NO in-app purchase, NO ads, NO collection or sharing of private information. 50% discount for Education Volume Purchase Program - put this app in every classroom!