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Never Lost 1.0
Screen Shots:
The safest and most reliable app for tracking dementia sufferers.
Always be aware of their current location with just one click.
Their location directions are found easily through G00GLE maps.
Drop pins trail describe their daily habits.
Don't waist any more of your time in anxiety and frustration!
Neverlost app aims to facilitate families dealing with dementias such as alzheimers.
Unfortunately losing track of these people is very common, and locating them back to safety is often difficult and painstaking without guaranteed success.
Neverlost is activated on our patient’s iPhone by:
- Seting his/her name, email address and password in the Settings section
- After these are saved, the user can register his/her location, by pressing the start button in the My Location section. (The app periodically sends location data of the patient to a server).
- Only the family member responsible is authorized to locate the patient by entering the patient's name, email and password on his/her app under the Find section.
-Attention!!! If a user hasn't registered his/her location through the "My Location" section no results will be shown in the "Find" section of the app.
In order to immediately see results first make sure the patient has registered his/her location.
The app provides pin trail preview data of the patient’s registered location coordinates. Each pin encloses data such as time and location making it easy to locate where our patient was in the case of run out of his battery or signal lost.
People suffering from such diseases usually carry with them essentials like their wallet or phone. Having the app active on their iPhone, families feel secure that the patient is safe and easily located.
All location data is encrypted and available only to the family member who sets the patients data online. Additionally the user can set the duration of location transmission according to his needs.
This app is an extra safety net for those suffering dementia. Its functionality although exceptional should not be considered guaranteed.
Neverlost app was inspired by
Ioannis Vasilikos P.T, M.D , Ph.Dcan
a neurosurgery resident, and jointly designed, advanced and developed with the
ios development expert Orfeas Iliopoulos.
Graphics Design: Ergo-Idea (
Outcome of this collaboration was the establishment of Hippocrates IV Medical that besides Neverlost develops additional exciting medical apps.
So stay tuned on and register for news and updates.
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