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Skin Expert 1.1
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Welcome to a Jeuné Advanced Skin Care, the Medical Spa of the future! a Jeuné (ah jhuh Nay) was founded by Dr. Christopher Hubbell, and as medical director he leads a team of medical professionals to insure you receive the most effective, result-oriented service.
Our app gives you quick and easy access to review Dr. Hubbell’s work, view before and after photos, arrange a consultation, connect with our office and receive and view special app only offers.
Our team provides the latest techniques in lasers, light sources, skin treatments and products, as well as facial and body enhancements. Based on years of Dermatologic and medi-spa service experience, you will receive the advantages of a combined treatment approach, supervised by an experienced, Board Certified Skin Expert in conjunction with Spa therapies.
Experienced Dermatologists and Dermasurgeons have the greatest amount of knowledge and expertise regarding the skin and its appearance compared to non physician practitioners and physicians of other specialties. a Jeuné offers the best and most comprehensive approach to satisfy your aesthetic skin care concerns.
Located in Lafayette, Louisiana (LA), we proudly serve patients from Baton Rouge, Lake Charles and beyond.
Our goal is to provide you with the answers and the most expert medical skin care, in order to meet your desired cosmetic enhancement needs. We would like to offer you a complimentary Information packet on any of our procedures, or if you have any questions, please call one of our staff members at (337) 989-7272.