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Vaccinesschedule 1.0
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The application “VaccinesSchedule" ensures that you will remember on time all vaccine shots that your child has to do and also, that you will have all required information about them.
It is based on the current recommended immunization schedules of the Center for Disease Contro and it contains full tables of these reccomendations (up to 6 years, 7-18 years and catch up), with all their footnotes, instructions and details.
Simply enter :
-date of birth
-sex of the child (for a maximum of 5 children)
and let “VaccinesSchedule” work for you!
You can instantly see the complete immunization schedule for every registered child , till the age of 18 years. You can also send these schedules by e-mail.
The application answers general questions that parents might have concerning vaccination, like:
-How vaccines work?
-What can be achieved with them?
-What and how frequent are the potential side effects?
-What is a combined vaccine?
-What are the contraindications to vaccination?
By in app purchase, you can enable notifications. When the recommended immunization date for a shot is approaching, you will receive a notification with the time interval for vaccination and all dose details. You can e-mail this notification or reschedule the notification so that it reaches you again in a more convenient date or time.
It is a complete and very useful tool for the busy parent who wants to be well informed and to gain peace of mind!