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Thank you for making this app so popular!
Sometimes, you just want things to be simple. This beautifully designed metro-app gives you a huge collection of checklists for all your needs.
Are you planning a holiday shopping list or camping trip or getting your kids ready for first day of school or would just like to create a personalized checklist? Then, this app is for you.
Life is often hectic, confusing and overwhelming. The idea of this app is to help others organize and be productive, one check mark at a time. Enjoy this mango enabled app by the developer of extremely popular apps - Mood Swing, Dress Pal, Smart Goals & RedMinder!
Features - Mango Powered
- Checklists categorized as Travel, Activities, Kids, Pets, Home..
- Use pre-defined checklist as is or personalize it for your needs and add, remove, edit items
- Set Reminders
- Pin a checklist as Live Tile
- Create a brand new list just for your own items
- Mark an item as complete/incomplete
- Store the quantify for each item (if applicable)
- Personalized and Favorite checklists are easily accessible
- Reset a checklist so you can use it again and again.
This may be, quite possibly, the most useful app in the power of your hands. Use it regularly and please don't forget to post a review (if you like it :))