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Happy Hints 1.1
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Happy Hints is an amazing new app that is destined to change the way we all think about how we live our everyday lives.
Happy Hints has been designed around an eternal calendar. Every day for the rest of your life you will receive a positive message, beautifully presented. Each message has an expanded summary of that day’s affirmation. The message will be sent to your Apple device 3 times during the course of the day - morning, afternoon and evening. This will provide you with the opportunity to both absorb and more importantly apply the daily message.
Happy Hints has been created for anyone looking to cultivate a happier frame of mind amidst the challenges of modern life. Sadly, we are all moving too quickly and barely have the time to process what we are thinking and feeling. This leaves most of us with a happiness deficit. So whether you are a busy executive burdened by the demands of meetings and deadlines, a mother managing a home and looking after your children or you are just trying to find ways of managing the stress of life in the 21st century then Happy Hints is definitely for you!
The Happy Hints app also includes literally hundreds of audio-visual and written resources covering topics ranging from: how to manage anxiety, anger, depression and stress through to building self-confidence, developing a positive mental attitude and mindfulness tips.
The beauty of this application is that it is simple to use and provides you with an encyclopedic resource at your fingertips.... which will serve up countless insights and invaluable inspirations when you most need them. All the information is presented in an easily digestible format and you’ll soon find that Happy Hints will become an indispensable friend!
We all have one thing in common.... our need to be happy. Happiness is a virtue, but it’s really important to understand that it is also a skill. A skill is something you can learn and develop and so happiness is something you can practise and the more you practise it the happier you will become.
Why not let Happy Hints help you to do just that!