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2012 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference Mobile Companion 1.03
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The 2012 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference is to be held April 24 - 29 in Ghent, Belgium, and has attendees from over 38 countries.
This 5th World Conference on Appreciative Inquiry emphasizes AI as a theory and practice of connecting people and generating new possibilities. As no other process does, AI changes the way we look at leadership and change. AI helps us to understand, to build and to enhance interconnectedness, co-create new business models and ways of relating in organizations and communities.
The 2012 WAIC App for iPhone and iPad was designed and developed by Polymash, Inc. to be the hand-held concierge of the conference and includes the following features:
• Native universal app: designed for iPad and iPhone
• No persistent wifi connection required to access the conference program, presenters, sponsors, venue, transportation information and animated maps
• Search feature to find presenters, their bios, their photos, their session outlines and room locations
• Personal session builder to build your personal conference program with an intuitive color coded program view based on themed tracks
• Session Notes taking tool, and summary notes viewer.
• Email individual notes and insights during the sessions, or a a summary report of all notes taken at any time, allowing you to share your notes with others to co-create entries for blogs, papers and other publications
• View Presenters' slides, papers and presentations inside the app, as they become available
• News and notifications to keep you informed about latest updates, program changes, newly scheduled events and meetings
• Conference blog feed
• Participate in live Twitter streams about the conference
• Share news on Facebook and connect to others on Facebook
• Sponsors' information and links
• Around town: interactive maps with POIs, restaurants, sights and entertainments
• Local information about the International Convention Center (ICC), the town and its attractions, and transportation
• Landscape and Portrait mode support