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Make your connection.
Connections is the smartest mobile enterprise directory available. For the first time, it’s actually easy for your teams to find, discover, learn and connect with each other, all with the tap of a few buttons. Keep productivity up and frustrations low.
SmartConnect to contact coworkers.
Real time availability and “behavioral presence” intelligently determine the best way to connect with colleagues.
SmartSchedule to check coworker availability.
Schedule meetings with multiple people based on calendar availability, no matter what type of device you’re on.
SmartSearch to discover experts.
Discover unknown connections around interests, skills, alma mater, location and more.
Find your perfect fit.
Connections is enterprise-class infrastructure scalable with configurable attributes and data fields, so you can be assured you will get exactly what your organization needs. Integration with existing company data is simple and secure.
Customized for you.
Corporate branding is available so you can maintain your brand integrity throughout. Analytics ensure you get reporting and tracking that works for you. And Connections offers secure user access for all your employees.
To find out what Connections can do for your company, visit our website at
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