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9s Weather Hd
Screen Shots:
Have 9s Weather HD & Have a Nice Day!
* Happy Mother’s Day! I Love you, Mom! 9s Weather HD now additionally presents a brand-new theme, “Wonderland-Carnation Special Edition”, in order to express our blessing, love, and appreciation with the everlasting carnation to our best-loved mothers.
9s Weather HD, a gorgeous weather forecast application specially designed for iPad, is the best choice to acquire weather information and decorate your home screen simultaneously.
In addition to providing accurate, real-time, and useful weather information, 9s Weather HD gets rid of the stereotype of traditional weather forecast app UI design, and displays a unique exquisite UI and fancy graphical animations to enrich your daily weather.
Now, let 9s Weather HD present the beauty of Nature and bring you to the magnificent “secret garden” to get some refreshments and to release annoying pressures.
* “Wonderland-Carnation Special Edition” Happy Mother's Day Film on Youtube:
★★★Key Features★★★
◆ Optimized design for large screen
◆ Portrait and landscape modes supported
◆ English & Chinese supported
◆ Handy link to detailed weather forecast
◆ Animated movement & fancy design
◆ Current global weather information
◆ Automatic & manual update supported
◆ 6-Day weather forecast
◆ C/F supported
◆ Real Feel/Humidity/Wind Speed/Wind Direction/Sunrise/Sunset Provided
◆ The most reliable weather database
◆ Intuitive & Use-friendly UI
◆ Useful & fancy weather application
9s Weather HD,溫暖你的每一天!
* 母親節快樂!媽咪,我愛您!向全天下偉大的母親獻上最誠摯的祝福,9s Weather HD特別新增並呈獻「花言草語─康乃馨特別版」主題,藉由螢幕上永不凋謝的康乃馨以及其他的花言草語表達對最愛的母親永恆的敬愛與滿滿的感謝之情。
9s Weather HD,專為平板電腦大尺寸螢幕iPad設計的天氣預報軟體。透過最具權威的天氣預報資料,9s Weather HD提供多項即時、準確、實用的氣象資訊,並同時兼具美觀與裝飾的高附加價值,擺脫傳統既定的天氣預報軟體操作介面,獨特您每一天的氣象生活,絕對是您掌握天氣資訊的不二選擇。
現在就讓9s Weather HD透過「微觀」手法呈現的繽紛寫實風格,帶領您進入大自然壯觀的秘密花園,讓大自然來紓解一整天的疲勞與壓力。
◆ 專為大尺寸螢幕設計
◆ 支援直、橫式
◆ 提供英文與中文顯示語言
◆ 便捷的氣象資訊連結
◆ 動態呈現天氣影像
◆ 即時全球天氣資訊
◆ 手動&預約天氣資訊自動更新
◆ 6天的氣象預測
◆ 支援攝氏/華氏
◆ 實際感受溫度/濕度/風速/風向/日出時間/日落時間
◆ 最具權威的氣象資訊來源
◆ 直覺且人性化的操作介面
◆ 兼具實用與美觀的天氣預報軟體