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Acuity Games Concentration 9.11
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Research from the University of Cambridge estimates that one in three cases of Alzheimer's disease worldwide is preventable through brain-healthy behaviors. But how do you know if you're maintaining brain health? Measure it!
The Acuity Games family of brain games provides monthly and yearly Brain Health Assessment that makes it incredibly easy to see changes to your brain health, and motivates you to make the healthy lifestyle choices that maintain brain health. Acuity Games: A scale for your brain.
◀ Rules of Concentration ▶
Concentration is a card game that begins with all card faces hidden. The object of the game is to flip over sets of matching cards using tap gestures. The game is won when all sets of cards are matched.
◀ Game options ▶
• Time Limit: From 5 seconds to unlimited
• Number of Sets: From 2 to 50
• Card Type: Number Letter or Shape
• Set Type: Pairs, Triplets or Quads
• Cards Start Revealed: Hide or Reveal cards during the game.