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Acuity Games Concentration Lite 3.0.3
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Studies have reported that playing certain games can improve intelligence, memory and problem solving. Who doesn't want to be smarter?
Acuity Games apps combine the world's best-loved brain games with lifetime brain fitness tracking. Each app contains a highly configurable brain game designed to challenge players of all skill levels. Game results are stored in an innovative benchmark database for up to 100 years.
This app's game is Concentration. Concentration is a card game that begins with all card faces hidden. The object of the game is to flip over sets of matching cards using tap gestures. The game is won when all sets of cards are matched. The app provides 3 set sizes (Pairs, Triplets and Quads), and 3 card types (Numbers, Letters and Shapes), with up to 100 cards per game.
✚ Daily Goals:
Provide powerful motivation, and measure your performance quickly and easily. Update Daily Goals as your skills and objectives change.
✚ Acuity Trends:
Track performance changes over weeks, months and years. Acuity Trends can provide an early warning for adults if their cognitive abilities start to decline.
✚ Lifetime Benchmarks:
Displayed in Daily, Monthly and Yearly intervals, these benchmarks provide detailed performance feedback that is incredibly useful for monitoring skill changes.
✮ 7 skill levels
✮ 5 re-playable games per level
✮ 9 default levels
✮ Create custom levels
✮ Unlimited new games in each level
✮ Landscape mode support
✮ Ad-free