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Disaster Alert Pacific Disaster Centers World Disaster Alerts 3.20
Screen Shots:
Disaster Alert (by Pacific Disaster Center) is a free download providing mobile access to multi-hazard monitoring of and early warning for “Active Hazards” around the globe. Additional information and reports about hazards can be viewed and shared.
“Active Hazards” are compiled from verified and authoritative sources, and are part of a collection of recent incidents that have been designated as “potentially hazardous to people, property, or assets” by Pacific Disaster Center via the DisasterAWARE™ application.
Hazards include:
Global events: Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone, Drought, Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano.
Major events: Floods, Marine, Storms, Manmade, Wildfires.
Hawaii Only: National Weather Service High Surf, High Wind, Flood.
Other hazards will be added over time.
Application features include:
√ View Active Hazards on an interactive map or in the Alert list
√ Push notifications option
√ Choose background map
√ Overlay additional maps such as population density, global clouds, etc.
√ Get "more info" (and situational reports) for most Active Hazards
√ Receive automatic updates every five minutes
√ NEW* (v3.0+) Subscription option for limiting notifications based on location and severity
Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iTouch (iOS 6.1+)