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Am Tasksplus Version 1.5.0 Build 1619
Screen Shots:
Allows you to set which tasks to show and how to show them, including the possibility to control the number or order of tasks. Different view formats allow you to show tasks in form you like, with text and caption size you like. Tasks are filtered by categories, importance and sensitivity, with the ability to group them by hierarchy, sensitivity, importance, category, progress, or not grouped (plain list). Groups are expandable to list the grouped tasks. Quick configuration change is possible using the user-defined profiles.
Version 1.5.0 Build 1619
+ Tasks grouped by Hierarchy, Sensitivity, Importance, Category, Progress, or not grouped (plain list)
+ Cached painting (new tasks list is prepared in cache)
+ Update in progress (icon flashes during update)
+ New sort order (by sensitivity)
+ Double-click on group opens/closes the group. A single click on group selects the group (requires WM2003 SE+)
+ Chinese Traditional language pack added
* 'Add task' command always opened the defaut dialog, now the selected PIM manager is called
* Screen refresh corrected and speeded up on WM 6.0+ devices
* Icon drawn on wrong side when Right-to-Left locale is selected
* Preview window in the Options dialog shows expanded list of tasks
* Fixed memory management issue during module unloading process
* Joypad navigation/focus fixed on WM 2003SE+