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American Presidents 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
The American President
The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.
The president is indirectly elected by the people through the Electoral College to a four-year term, and is one of only two nationally elected federal officers, the other being the Vice President of the United States.
In all, 43 individuals have served 55 four-year terms. On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th and current president.
White House
Washington, D.C.
Term length
Four years
renewable once
Inaugural holderGeorge Washington
April 30, 1789
FormationUnited States Constitution
March 4, 1789
Salary$400,000 annually
This application gives you information about what role does the American President plays and what power and duties he acquires. With the power, comes the responsibility as well. So this app describes everything about his Selection Procedure, Compensation, his power and duties and the list of presidents who all have serve the United States.
Features of App are:-
1)Simple and attractive.
2)User Friendly and easy to use interface provided.
3)Swipe screen left to right to view Previous Page.
4)Swipe screen right to left to view Next Page.
5)Share the information via SMS, email
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