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The 7 Minute Workout Get Fit Quick With High Intensity Interval Training 2.0.2
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The BEST 7 Minute Workout App on the market.
"If you're into the 7 Minute Workout thing, I've tried a bunch of the apps, and this one is the best" (Dan Franks, Macworld editor)
#1 in the US! Top 5 fitness App in over 80 countries!
Featured 7 Minute Workout App in nearly 100 countries!
--- Over 400,000 downloads ---
User reviews:
"Best of the three I've tried. The audio cues are so complete...I never have to look at the screen"
"Tried like 6 of these apps. This is best."
"This app is the ONLY one that truly GETS it."
This app will give you a full body workout in 7 minutes!
What really sets this app apart from the rest is the quality of the audio cues. A clear voice coaches you through the entire workout. The app counts down the seconds left and tells you what's up next. This makes a huge difference!
As seen in the NY Time's article, "The Scientific 7-Minute Workout", this workout is based on research in high-intensity interval training. You will exercises all major muscle groups using nothing more than a floor, a wall, a chair and your own body weight.
Created for people with busy lives, this simple workout is designed by scientists to give you all of the fitness benefits of much longer endurance training programs in just about 7 minutes. You can do it anywhere!
What this app does:
- Explains the 12 exercises with illustrations, text and videos.
- Natural voice cues tell you which exercise to do next.
- Audio countdown of seconds remaining, so you know how much time is left.
- Voice cues tell you when to rest and when to start again.
- Beautiful, simple graphics
- Rest screen displays next exercise.
- Ability to skip or repeat an exercise.
If you find that you like the 7 Minute Workout and want to get serious about your health you can upgrade with Pro features that are designed to help keep you committed and motivated.
Pro upgrade include:
- Multiple Cycles & Custom Workouts. Adjust the intensity and length of your workout to match your progress.
- Workout Log. Easily keep track of when and how much you have worked out.
- Reminders. Set up multiple reminders to keep yourself committed and motivated.