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Appyday London Games Festival Celebration 1.0
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The London Games Festival is back – bringing an incredible variety of gaming activity to the Capital between September and October 2012.
With so many events taking place planning what to do is a game in itself – but one that just became easier thanks to this official London Games Festival 2012 Companion.
★ Browse events which are taking place during the London Games Festival.
★ Events are organised by week and give you a full description, the time and location as well as web links for further details.
★ The app is updated frequently so you are always kept up to date with the latest news and events.
Each day, the LGF Companion showcases a game or app from a UK developer which can be downloaded FREE from the App Store.
The App of the Day changes every day of the festival so you will always have something new and exciting to discover.
All the featured apps are chosen by the AppyNation team as part of the cross-developer ‘Games We Like’ initiative. So you know you're getting great games for free!
AppyDay : London Games Festival Celebration is published by AppyNation - be sure to check out our other great games!