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Astrolo Phone 1.0.6
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NewAgeMobile AstroloPhone v1.0.6.Full-NieX
Please read HOW TO INSTALL.txt before install
'AstroloPhone' is a mobile phone application that has been designed for both the professional and enthusiast Astrologer to use on a JAVA enabled mobile phone for the calculation and interpretation of 'Birth' or 'Natal' Astrology Charts according to Western Astrology.
Detailed Deion:
In Western Astrology, the position of the Astrological bodies at the time of a person's birth is commonly used to gain insight into their character and personality.
'AstroloPhone' can store the birth times, dates and locations for several people. It can calculate and display the positions of the Astrological bodies, their Aspects, and the house placements (Equal, Porphyry, and Placidus house systems are supported). You can view a picture of their chart, read interpretive texts and even perform a compatibility comparison of two people's charts.
All of the interpretive and comparison texts are supplied with 'AstroloPhone', so no costly network connection is needed to download them each time you want to view them.
'AstroloPhone' includes the ability to connect to the web service for searching its database of over 6.5 million worldwide locations (normal operator data charges apply). This allows you to easily set the location of someone's birth for calculating the Astrology House placements (note that a fairly accurate time of birth is also needed for accurate house placements).
'AstroloPhone' has been designed to be used on most modern (post 2005) mobile phones. The inclusion of the interpretive texts does make this a fairly large application, and this does mean that some older and more basic phones will not be able to run this program, however you can download and try 'AstroloPhone' first, and for free (excluding network operator charges for download to a phone via the Internet).
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