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Athletic Pilates 1.2
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Are you ready for a truly comprehensive, athletic designed Pilates mat workout that you can do anytime and take anywhere you go? No equipment required!
We have read the reviews for other Pilates Apps and we are giving you what you are asking for! This App contains 5 full and continuous 6-8 minute workout videos from start to finish, that begin with a yoga-style warm up, working up towards strengthening the core, improving flexibility and a cool down to finish it off. You can take the whole class in any order you please or just a single if you have limited time. This workout can be for all levels of fitness and modifications are provided throughout all the workouts. These private training routines have proven results for our clients worldwide!
Once you download the App NO wireless or 3G connection necessary to access these great workout videos anytime, anywhere!
Are you interested in learning more about us and other ways to do Athletic Pilates or other Jubielates workouts? Check us out at