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Proremote 2.5.4
Screen Shots:
ProRemote is the World's first 32 channel touch sensitive control surface that fits in the palm of your hand.
ProRemote allows you to control your Audio applications wirelessly using your existing Wifi network. Get realtime meter data and control your rig from across the room with flying faders or across the planet!
One binary runs on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
- Are you behind the drums and need to check your levels and press record?
- Do you frequently need to be in two places at the same time?
- Do you like sitting on the couch and playing guitar instead of being glued to the computer?
ProRemote is your solution!
If you only need basic remote control see our other less expensive product ProRemote Light Edition (it can be unlocked to be like this version) and checkout ProTransport, a transport only solution to controlling your rig.
ProRemote on an iPad is like having four Mackie Control Universal Pros but better because it is wireless and much less expensive. You get almost $5000 of hardware for the price of ProRemote. And ProRemote also works on your iPhone and iPod touch.
Need an XY controller? Check out Pro XY. Use gravity to turn your knobs! Pro XY is included free in ProRemote.
Need professional MIDI pads for drum programming or other tasks? ProPads is your solution and is also included free with ProRemote.
All updates to ProRemote will be free.
This version officially supports:
- ProTools including a new skin for ProTools version 8 and 9
- Apple Logic
- Ableton Live 7
- Soundtrack Pro
- Digital Performer
Unofficially we support (no skin or custom fader tapers yet, not all features may work):
- Cubase
- MIO Console
- Sonar
- Reaper
- Reason
- Vegas
- FL Studio
- Studio One
- Audition
- Tracktion
- Final Cut Pro
- Any audio software that supports Mackie Control protocol (or HUI protocol).
** You must download ProRemoteServer in order to use ProRemote. **
Please visit to download the server.
ProRemote is Mac only- Windows is not supported!
* Please note that certain Avid or Digidesign Ethernet based control surfaces can interfere with ProRemote's ability to control all 32 channels. In some cases ProTools will limit MIDI control surfaces to eight channels only. Please purchase the Light Edition if you own a C24 specifically or contact us before purchasing if you are unsure.
If you are looking for the perfect companion for ProRemote, checkout IKMultimedia's iKlip- Clip ProRemote to your Mic Stand!