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Auntflo 1.0.2
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Never be caught off guard by Aunt Flo's visit again! AuntFlo is an application for women only. It is used to help you keep track of your menstrual cycle easily, without having to write down a number on a paper calendar every day. After installing the application, you enter the date of your last period and the average number of days in your menstrual cycle (the number of days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period). The application then calculates what "day" in your cycle you are on. This is displayed on the main page along with a progress bar that indicates how close you are to starting your next period. The date of your last period as well as the expected date of your next period are also shown on the main page. Tap the "Start Period" button when your next period starts to set the day number back to 1. If you forget to tap the button on day 1 of your period, simply enter the date manually on the Settings screens. The average cycle length that you entered on the Settings screen is only used to help estimate when your next period will be; it is NOT used to automatically set the day number to 1 for you. After tapping the "Start Period" button, your last period date will be moved to the "History" screen. Here, you can view a list of your previous period dates.
The "Projected" screen is used to calculate where in your cycle you will probably be on a given date in the future. This, of course, will be most helpful to women whose cycles are pretty regular. This feature is useful if you like to try to plan vacations or other big events to avoid your period. It's also useful when scheduling doctors appointments.
What doesn't this application do? It does not try to calculate your fertile or ovulation days. The developers of this application believe that if you are trying to get pregnant or more importantly, trying to avoid getting pregnant, only you and your doctor can determine the best way to achieve this. Of course, this application will still be useful by showing you which cycle day you are on. If you and your doctor have determined which days are your most fertile days, you can use that information along with this application.