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Australian First Aid 1.2
Screen Shots:
* Includes the latest Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines released in 2011.
Ever wondered what to do in an emergency? Would you know how to treat a colleague, family member or friend if they had an accident? In the few precious moments before help arrives, could you save a life?
Alarmingly, statistics show that while we all think about learning first aid, only a small percentage of the population take the time to learn.
'Australian First Aid' for the iPad is a quick and easy reference to any emergency that may occur in the home or outdoors.
PARASOL EMT is Australia's premier commercial provider of first aid and OHS training courses. The author, Peter McKie is highly acclaimed in Australia and overseas as a medical emergency treatment specialist.
Based on the printed version of 'Active First Aid' (which has sold over 500,000 copies), this appbook version includes updated information using the latest ARC Guidelines.
The app works in both orientations, has bookmarks and searchable text.
* For information regarding PARASOL EMT's full range of training services, courses and products please visit
* For more information on the latest ARC Guidelines, please visit
* If you have any questions or concerns regarding this app, please email
PLEASE NOTE: This AppBook is an information resource only and is not a substitute for undertaking a first aid course with an approved provider.