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Away In A Manger 1.0
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Spanning centuries of worship, this compilation of texts takes the reader on a spiritual journey from early Christian poetry, medieval miracle plays, and ancient hymns to 19th and 20th century lectures, sermons, and books of daily meditations. Highlights include a Christmas sermon by Robert Louis Stevenson, a Nativity play by English playwright Laurence Housman, a poem on Christ by Mary Baker Eddy, and a lecture on the Spirit of Christmas by American churchman Henry Van Dyke.
Other gems include a lovely illustrated work called Christmas Pictures by French illustrator Edmund Dulac, Christmas stories written especially for children, and books of hymns and carols to celebrate this holy season in song. During the bustle of the holiday season, the works in this app offer many spiritually uplifting ways to pause and remember the joy, and the true meaning, of Christmas.