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Babycaretips 1.0.1
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Here comes the application for the parents. This application gives you information about how to keep your child healthy and hearty. It includes various categories which you can have a look on your device without taking tension that how you are going to take care of your child without your elder ones.
This application gives the unique feature to share them with your close friends and contacts via SMS.
The same can also be Emailed thru the mail account configured on your iPhone.
1) Common Baby Ailments: Children go everywhere from parks to places from where he can germs and these small things needs to be taken care of every time your child goes out. It includes a list of these ailments and how you can prevent them by keeping in mind small things without forgetting the minute details.
2) Nutrition Recipes: Every mother wants her child eats nutritious food every time he eats anything. This list includes various dishes which you can give to your child that makes him happy as well as healthy.
3) Immunization Check: It includes a list of various vaccines that your child should get so that his immune system stays fit and can fight germs all the time.
4) Dos and Donts: Every parent should keep in mind what they should do and what they should not while taking care of their child.
Have a Happy Parenthood!!!!