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Basketbull Live 1.1
Screen Shots:
Basketbull Live brings you scores, schedules, standings, updates, directions and more from all of the many Basketbull events held all over the country.
Tired of having to stay at the gym long after your team finishes, waiting for results to determine when you play next? Basketbull Live allows you to follow the tournamentís results from the comfort of your home or hotel room, letting you know when your team is lacing them up again. Lost trying to find a gym? Basketbull Live syncs up with your smartphoneís GPS and gets you to the gym on time. Did you show up at the tournament to find out your teamís game was cancelled, delayed, or well ahead of schedule? Basketbull Live sends push notifications to your smartphone, alerting you of any changes to the teams you choose to follow.
Basketbull Live Features:
Tournament scores, schedules, standings, updates, directions, results and more from all of Basketbullís supported events.
MyTeam: Choose your team(s) from the tournament field to follow with prioritized order and receive push notification updates throughout the event. Follow other teams in the tournament as well to get an edge on the competition.
Directions through your smartphoneís GPS gets you where you need to be without having to stop and ask for directions.
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