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Behaviourmanagement 1.0
Screen Shots:
Behavior Management …
Learn how to talk, how to walk and how to behave with the different kind of personality. Your manners and etiquettes reflects your personality and status in the society.
Application has the unique feature to share them with your close friends and contacts via SMS.
The same can also be Emailed thru the mail account configured on your iPhone.
Behavior Management encompass most aspects of social interaction in any society.
Manners and etiquettes include situations such as
-How to welcome newcomers.
-How to show courtesy towards colleagues.
-How to make yourself likeable and pleasant to work with.
-Business meeting etiquette.
-Cell Phone etiquette
-Dating etiquette.
-Employee etiquette.
-Employer Etiquette and many more.
Procedure to send SMS: -
Click on send SMS Tab and the Tip currently on the screen will be automatically set to iPhone message body, so just enter the number or select the contact from your address book and click to send.
The same can also be emailed thru the mail account configured on your iPhone.
Procedure to send Email: -
The same process as SMS you just need to click in Email Tab and you are into your mailbox, just select the mail id from your address book and click to send button to send them.
Keep improving yourself with this application. We will give you more tips updating on regular time intervals.