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Bella Goes Bump In The Night 4.0
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#2 book during the Summer 2010
Read the instant children's classic Bella Goes Bump in the Night, part one of the Bella the Great series.
In this first story, as Bella tries desperately to fall asleep, her imagination takes her into the world of creepies and crawlies. Be not afraid for our heroine, she learns to befriend all of the ghoulies and teaches us the lesson not to judge any book by its cover!
Beautiful hand drawn illustrations show the journey that Bella takes, all in her imagination. Includes a reading by the Author.
This is a story your child is going to love reading with you.
"A perfect bedtime or campfire story..." "The whimsical verse will have readers laughing out loud; and the creature factor may also appeal to a slightly older age group than would typically be drawn to picture books." "The whole family will want to gather around with blankets and flashlights to read this book together"
Kristine Daniels Author/Illustrator/Educator
" Bella the Great throughout the story holds a nice rhythm that the children will soon be able to join in..." "This is one children's book, that I will be recommending to family and friends . A fun and interactive picture book to add to your collection."
Paula Phillips, Book Reviewer/Librarian
"Most of us have imagined the nightly shadows in our bedrooms to be “things that go bump in the night, giving my poor soul a fright.” Bella Goes Bump in the Night invites us to pretend that the “creepies and crawlies that make your toes curl,” can become friends we play hide-and-seek with or invite to tea. This bedtime or anytime tale can give courage and comfort to those who are afraid of the dark or the unknown."
Ann Marie Solch, Librarian