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Bill Keeper 1.5
Screen Shots:
*****ON SALE*****
We all have bills to pay. This application helps you pay your bill on time and manage future payments. With Bill Keeper you’ll never late for another bill. It simplifies your financial life by managing and tracking your bills, and reminding when a bill is due.
Bill Keeper has a friendly user interface. You will know at a glance which bills need your attention and you can also track your expenses with beautiful charts and graphs.
4 ways to never forget a due bill:
√ Instantly see what bills are quickly approaching or past due in the upcoming module.
√ Calendar and bill list page visually represent all of the paid and unpaid bills of each month.
√ Set alerts to remind you of when your bills are due.
√ Badge icon also serve as a reminder of due bills.
More Features:
√ Supports iOS5.
√ Create any number of accounts, categories and bills.
√ Flexible design allow customization of any number of recurring bills and unknown amount.
√ Add multiple payments per bill.
√ Allows for the paying of individual bills in full or in part.
√ Convenient Calendar View.
√ Export to CSV & HTML.
√ Auto Pay Bills.
√ Provides payment history to check your payments.
√ Supports multiple currency.
√ Passcode Protection.
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