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Brush Dj 3.0
Screen Shots:
Brush DJ makes brushing your teeth fun and effective!
This award winning, free, NHS approved app, with no adverts, plays 2 minutes of music, taken at random or from a playlist, from your devices music library and has a visual display showing where to brush- finally brushing becomes less boring!
Brush DJ has been developed by a dentist for anyone wanting to help prevent gum disease and tooth decay to maintain a healthy smile and fresh breath. Also, by using this app you will rediscover your music collection- from guilty pleasures to holiday anthems :)
Brush DJ works with any toothbrush and also allows you to set reminders to:
•Change your toothbrush every 3 months
•Brush twice a day
•Floss/clean interdentally every day
•Use a mouthrinse if appropriate
•When you next need to visit the dentist
•When you next need to visit the hygienist
The latest age specific information is given as per the Public Health England toolkit ‘Delivering Better Oral Health’. Short animated videos showing how to carry out basic oral hygiene tasks are linked to.
Feedback on how you feel Brush DJ can be improved is welcomed via Here you can also let us know your favourite song to brush to, which might make it into the Brush DJ Top 5!