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Btc Dashboard 2.4
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BTC Dashboard is the Intranet for the Mobile Generation. Dashboard is the new way of securely delivering enterprise content and information to a large number of users easily and securely.
BTCDashboard allows content to be presented in a unique “story style” where content can be made up of a mix of files, text, images, and more all combined into a single story.
The system presents content in a “multichannel” environment where users can group content stories into “sections” - for example content can be grouped by news, documents, forms, etc.
Dashboard pushes “feeds” to users based on groups. These include content from the outside world including RSS feeds, social feeds and other specially prepared content.
The Dashboard app includes the ability to read documents, view images and videos and send comments. You can search for text inside PDF files, view content pages, and much more.
Dashboard now introduces multi tabbed content browsing allowing channels to be grouped as tabs making it even easier to use Dashboard.
BTCDashboard is a iOS interface to the existing BTCDashboard corporate service. You will need an existing corporate account to use BTCDashboard.