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Bugg Are Your Friends Nearby 3.0.3
Screen Shots:
Bugg is an app that tells you when your friends are nearby and shows you where they are and what they are up to. You can quickly and easily see your friends on a map and leave them a message to meet up with just a few taps. Bugg is simple, functional and fun!
Everybody has a few close friends with whom they share everything, Bugg is designed to help you keep in touch with those friends, showing you where they are, what they are doing, and alerting you when they are nearby. You'll always know when your friend is just a block away having coffee, when he's back in town from a trip, or what he's up to saturday night. You'll never lose each other at a big event again, and you won't spend hours on the phone trying to explain to a friend how to reach you somewhere. Only the friends you authorize will see where you are, and with just one tap you can hide your position, making Bugg 100% surprise party compatible!
Just think of the possibilities!
Some cool features:
• NO SIGN UP REQUIRED: Just log in with your Facebook Account and you'll be enjoying Bugg in no time! This way you'll also find your friends already using Bugg automatically.
• SMART NOTIFICATIONS WHEN YOUR FRIENDS ARE NEARBY: Bugg will let you know when a friend is nearby or when someone sends you a message; you won't have to keep checking the app.
• SHARE YOUR LOCATION WITH FACEBOOK AND TWITTER: Bugg is perfectly integrated with the services you already use.
• BACKGROUND UPDATES: your position is updated in real time, even when the app is closed. There's no need to open the app every time you move, it just works! Of course, if you want, you can disable this feature anytime.
• SECURE PRIVACY SETTINGS: Only your authorized friends can see where you are and you can always temporarily block any of them if you don't want them to know where you are (they won't know).
• MINIMUM BATTERY CONSUMPTION: you get all of those benefits without any compromise. Bugg consumes a minimal amount of battery, while following you location with the best possible accuracy. It intelligently activates when it realizes you are moving and shuts down when you stop, avoiding unnecessary battery use. Most users barely notice any difference in battery consumption!
Download Bugg now and get ready to be blown away!