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Screen Shots:
CameraLight let your devices flashlight shine bright...!
CameraLight provides quite a few adjustment options. However, all these are meant entirely optional.
CameraLight at first was just a tool for myself. But I decided to share and here is what you get so far:
- Continuous bright shining camera flashlight
- 3 ways of switching the light on/off: shaking, input screen and the devices camera button
- A basic mode for occasional users and a self explaining user interface
- 4 colors and a optinal status text always give the current state of the light:
o Grey/Orange means light is on/off
o Green/Red light means enabled/disabled
- Vibration and "Flashlight Clicking" for each state
- Runs behind a locked screen (To do so you just need to enable the feature by hand from settings.)
- Idle detection automatically disables the light
- An energy saving mode when the light is off but the app still is active
- Choose your own App-Tile
- Fully customizable settings:
o The user can define which functions should be active
- Advanced mode
- Start with light
- Restore light state (after in background)
- Shaking the light on/off
- Idle detection
- Energy-Saving (possibly light is activated more slowly and the camera button is usable only 60 seconds after the light turns off)
- Ability to run behind a locked screen
- Ask before exit
- Status/Interface description
- Vibration / "Flashlight Clicking"
o Limits of the shake and idle detection, energy saving, vibration may even be chosen yourself!
CameraLight is designed for the one and only purpose to let your camera flash light shine bright. Do not expect more or less. Thanks for downloading my first app ever!
Not working on
- HTC Mozart (because of xenon flash).