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Candleglow 3d Candles 1.5.0
Screen Shots:
The ONLY candle App that uses the accelerometer to render candles in full 3D! See the user reviews: "An awesome app"--"Uses the iPhone technologies at their best"--"So relaxing"
Now fully supports both the Retina Display AND the high-resolution iPad display!
From the developer that created SpinArt, we are excited to present another innovative app, Candleglow.
Perfect for use at a restaurant or even dinner at home. Candleglow has realistic flame flicker and surface textures. Just simply select from ten different sets of candles and the colors of each.
There are several candle apps out there but Candleglow stands apart due to the high quality of the graphics and that it is the ONLY candle app that uses the accelerometer to enable viewing from all angles, from birds-eye view to perpendicular and every angle between!
* Twelve sets of candles (with more on the way)
* Two Valentine's Day candle sets
* Two winter-themed candle sets
* High-quality 3D rendering!
* Uses the accelerometer to view the scene from any angle
* Customizable colors for each candle.
* Double-tap on a candle in the scene to open the color selector
* Zoom in or out with a two-finger pinch gesture