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Leaddogpoi 1.0.4
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LeadDogPOI is a highly productive tool for collecting common cartography database components, It server the LeadDog consulting, LLC--An Industry-Leading Vector Map Data Provider.
Meanwhile, it's also an useful tool for collecting the Point of Interesting by any purpose.
1. It has a built-in map view and list view.
2. Support pan/zoom/browse the map view like the built-in maps application.
3. Automatically correct China map drift and offset.
4. Fetch country and region/state/province and related iso codes for a latitude/longitude pair with an offline reverse geocoding database.
5.Intelligent entry POI information, automatically remember the last position information(such as city, state, country).
6. For saving network traffic, it offer two transmit method:wifi and 3g+wifi.
7. Support batch uploading.
8. Taking a phone for POI on the demand if the device support camera.
9. Simple, easy, friendly UI.
10. Support both iPhone/iPad.
Details please visit LeadDog Consulting, LLC.