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Cashflow Financial Duo 1.0
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The CashFlow Financial iPad app performs computations most commonly encountered in the financial, banking, and insurance industries. The functionality of the app allows the user to perform tasks routinely done with special purpose calculators such as TI BA II Plus or HP 12C while the design of its interface takes advantage of the size of the screen of the iPad. The app implements a broad range of functions including the calculation of future and present values, interest rates, bond prices and yield rates, internal rate of return for cash flows, days between dates, etc. The primary functions of the CashFlow Financial iPad are organized in five worksheets: Time Value of Money and Amortization, Cash Flow, Net Present Value and IRR, Bond, and Date that are available in the left pane of the screen one at a time; and the Calculator that is always available in the right pane. The interface of the CashFlow Financial iPad app allows the user to view all parameters in each worksheet simultaneously, and to enter, compute, copy, and paste them in an intuitive way. In addition ten Memory registers allow the user to store and recall up to ten values.