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Celebrity Calamity 1.01
Screen Shots:
Exercise your money management skills to keep your star or starlet from spiraling into a celebrity Calamity!
Hollywood actors and actresses have expensive tastes - even if they're still on the B-list. Shape the careers of three persnickety celebrities through more than 40 action-packed levels! In 3 mini games you decide which gigs to book and which to pass on, take care of their shopping, and help them pick up their jaws off the floor after they get the bills.
-Buzz for the online version-
-Horizon Interactive Award Winner 2009
-"Exciting and engaging... it's a lot different from most financial literacy methods." - American Banker
-"I found myself playing the game right through from beginning to end." - Games for Good
Grab the game, get out your movie-star sunglasses, and get started NOW!
Celebrity calamity is brought to you by the D2D Fund in partnership with USAA.
Learn more about Celebrity Calamity and the non-profit D2D Fund at: