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Cwp Teacher 1.1.0
Screen Shots:
"CWP-Teacher is designed to make God's Word more accessible, and to make in depth study intuitive and easy."
CWP-Teacher was designed with the serious Bible Teacher in mind.
CWP-Teacher Features Include:
150+ interesting and intriguing pictures (accessible by clicking on an underlined word, and then the Pictures button)
Vincent Word Studies
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge
Air Printing
Text to Speech for Bibles
Speech Based Help
>The Coming Prince
>Earth's Earliest Ages
Full Strongs Concordance
Adjustable Text Size (For older, and younger eyes)
Verse by verse note taking
Parallel Bible reading (Portrait and Landscape)
Multiple Translations:
>World English Bible with Strong's
>King James Version with Strong's
>American Standard Version with Strong's
>CrossWord King James Version (Updated for Modern English) with Strong's
>Apostolic Bible Polyglot Interlinear with Strong's
>Interlinear, Hebrew-Greek with Strong's
>Septuagint + Wescot-Hort NT with Morphology Tags
Multiple Commentaries:
>MHCC (Matthew Henry Concise Commentary)
Bible Dictionary (Searchable)
English Dictionary
>Ancient Babylonia
>Canaan Divided Among 12 Tribes
>Sea of Galilee
>Ancient Judah and Israel
>Ancient Jerusalem
>Journeys of Paul
>Roman Israel
Bookmarks with custom categories
Full Bible word/phrase search
Customizable Strongs reference Colors
Easy Book, Chapter, Verse navigation
Navigation History (Book, Chapter, and Verse)