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Check Mate Ocr Bill Splitter Amp Tip Calculator 1.0
Screen Shots:
Check Mate is a simple yet powerful bill splitter and tip calculator.
With Check Mate you can easily populate your party list manually or by adding friends from your contacts list. If populated from contacts, their phone number and/or email is added to allow you to email or text them the bill once you have created it.
Adding items to your bill list is simplified with optical character recognition (OCR). If desired, you can also set/edit descriptions and prices manually. By tapping the right arrow next to each item in the menu, you can assign each item to one person or multiple people. Our software automatically splits the cost of that item between the people you assign it to and adds it to their bill.
You can then view the bill summary and email or text it to your friends so they can have a copy of the bill as well.
•Tip is calculated on pre-tax subtotal.
•Up to 40 people in your party.
•Populate your party list from contacts.
•Assign each item to one person or multiple people
•Set your tax rate up to 3 decimal places EX: 8.775%
•Bill summary has subtotals before tax, after tax, and total after tip.
•Email or Text the bill to your friends. (They don’t need to have the app).
•Easily contact support using the “Contact Suport” button on the “More” screen.
TIPS FOR USING OCR: The OCR module seems to work best with paper that is completely flat, well lit and without watermarks or background images. Turning the flash on seems to help quite a bit.