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Checkin Pro 1.4
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Brought to you by the developer of IM+, the very first all-in-one check-in app with augmented reality! Supports Foursquare and Facebook Places.
CheckIn+ is your ultimate social travel guide. Discover the world around you and share your highlights at local bars, parks, venues, and more. Whether you are looking for a great restaurant or your favorite brand shop, Checkin+ will help you to easily find a place according to your preferences.
Based on augmented reality technology, CheckIn+ overlays current surroundings with places from major geolocation services and allows you to see each destination relative to real world as a live video image on your iPhone or iPad 2. Move around and you will see nearby places and the distance to them.
Hint: Holding the phone vertically transforms map view into the augmented reality perspective.
Checkin+ gives you the power to check-in and become a Mayor on multiple geolocation services. Once you linked up with Facebook and Foursquare you may simultaneously check in to each service.
Other features include:
• Share photos of your favorite places and leave comments for your friends
• View Friends activity stream
• Read information about users and their firends
• See where your friends are on the map or in augmented reality
• Search and read tips for places nearby
• Add new places on Foursquare
• View check-in scores, closest rivals, and mayorship
• Gather loyalty points and rewards on Foursquare
• Off-grid check-in, sharing in Facebook and Twitter
in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish languages.