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Chronicle Bill Reminders 5.0.1
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The easiest, fastest bill manager in the App Store. A universal app for iPhone & iPad, and updated to support all iPhone sizes. Includes iCloud sync.
Chronicle now includes support for Apple Watch, including notifications and a glance view to quickly see how many bills are due soon and what is due next.
If you pay bills, you need Chronicle.
Here's why: A single late payment can cost you $30 or more and cause your credit score to plummet by up to 100 points.
Chronicle reminds you to pay your bills, so you can just enter them, and forget about them.
Plus, Chronicle syncs with the available Mac version via iCloud or Dropbox, so you can view and pay your bills everywhere.
In addition to reminding you to pay your bills, Chronicle keeps track of all your payment history, including confirmation numbers, so you always have proof of payments.
Chronicle allows you to enter your bills quickly, and updates your due dates as you log payments. It also integrates with Launch Center Pro to make logging fast, and with the 1Password browser so you can pay your bills online easier.