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Cliff Web Manager 1.3
Screen Shots:
cliffWebManager is a unique product that gives you the ability to manage a WHM® interface that comes with cPanel® at your fingertips. Application works with WHM® public API and allows you to manage almost all options in the real WHM®.
The application allows you to add multiple servers and choose the server to be managed from the list of servers added. Once a server is added and authenticated, you won't need to login to the server each time when you access it.
WHM® at your finger tips
Manage multiple Servers
Remember Server Logins
Secure SSL Connections (Port 2087)
PIN authorization for accessing the App
Root/Reseller level administration
Fast Loading
Easy Navigation between functions
User friendly Interface
Integrated Search for Accounts
cliffWebManager provides you the following functionalities
Account Functions
List Accounts
Add Accounts
Delete Accounts
Modify Accounts
Modify Quota
Upgrade/Downgrade Accounts
Modify Password
Suspend/Unsuspend Accounts
Account Statistics
Package Functions
List Package
Add Package
Modify Package
Delete Package
Server Information
Cpanel®/WHM® Version
Server Load
DNS Functions
Delete DNS
Edit DNS Record
Add DNS Record
Delete DNS Record
Admin Functions
List IPs
Add IP address
Delete IP address
Set Hostname
Set Resolvers
Reboot Server
Reseller Functions
List Resellers
Add Reseller Privileges
Remove Reseller Privileges
List Reseller ACL
Create Reseller ACL
Set Reseller ACL
Suspend Reseller
Un-suspend Reseller
Restart Services
More features will be available in the next release.
cPanel® and WHM® are trademarks of cPanel, Inc. and its products are not endorsed by or affiliated with cPanel, Inc