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Boldomatic Everything Text 1.7
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Boldomatic is the anti-social, text-only network. Featured in TechCrunch as the Instagram for Text, and with over 500'000 statements from 170 countries, Boldomatic offers a community for those who enjoy the freedom and exploration of thoughts.
Shameless, partially offensive, yet strangely profound. Witty sayings, quotes, poetry, song lyrics or just random thoughts... craft it with Boldomatic and share it with your universe. If you can't take irony or sarcasm, it might not be for you and you're better off staying on Facebook or posting photos of your cat on Instagram. Boldomatic is all about clever text and pure design.
EDITOR: Render your thoughts as text-images and get more attention for what you have to say with the easy-to-use text editor
SHARE: Within and outside the Boldomatic network to Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Camera Roll and more
DISCOVER: Get inspired by 500'000 ready-crafted statements, rated by popularity, and free to repost and share
CONNECT: Join writers from over 170 countries. Follow, like and comment on posts and compete in the weekly contests to win great prizes
PRIVACY: Built with Swiss Design & Engineering excellence and the blood of a virgin. We take your privacy very serious. We don't force you to login with Facebook or spam your friends. Choose to remain completely anonymous.
Boldomatic has been featured in TechCrunch, Yahoo Finance, Smashing Mag, Weave, and has been nominated for the Swiss App Awards.