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Clouds And Weather 1.4
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Find out yourself what kind of weather is on the way. Cloud types and other natural signs will tell you how. It functions offline, also for iPod users, and worldwide. A must for all those who spend time outside, hikers, mountain lovers, cyclists, sailing enthusiasts, water-sport fans, surfers, paragliders, kite-flyers, anglers, hunters, strollers, gardeners – just about everyone except couch potatoes.
This app brings back the ancient knowledge of former generations: Here you will find out how to identify conclusively a thundercloud and what kind of weather can be expected in what time frame when you see fleecy clouds. Here you will find out if it is going to rain when the spider stops spinning its web and much, much more.
In former times people unerringly interpreted natural signs in order to determine the weather forecast. Today, everyone looks it up on the internet, and hardly anyone can tell by themselves what the weather is going to be like. Now you have the opportunity to scan the sky with different eyes!
- With detailed descriptions of all cloud types and the weather they bring
- Complete cloud atlas with all cloud families, species and types according to the International Cloud Atlas of the WMO (World Meteorological Organization)
- Large photo gallery with over 70 examples of all cloud types