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Coachme Football Edition Pro 3.2.1
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The #1 Football Coaching App Worldwide!!
This is the Football app you have been waiting for. Created by coaches to help you easily draw, diagram, and demonstrate the game of football. You will find that everything you need is at your finger tips. Included are multiple requested features that coaches of all levels have asked for. This is a powerful app that gives you the tools you need to become more efficient, productive and take your game to the next step. Use the blackboard for a quick example or create a virtual playbook with all your plays saved and just a click away. Our commitment to creating the best user experience sets us apart from the rest. Check out some of our demo videos on YouTube (MeApps Studio).
General Features:
•Easy to use player scroll bar on the bottom of the app
•Snap to grid feature for perfect alignment
•Save plays
•3 different drawing features (Run, block, motion)
•Play animation
•Flip Play
•Options to show or hide player routes during animation
•Play viewer to see your play step by step
•E-mail plays in app or save to picture gallery
•E-mail Plays in black & white or color
•Playbook to store an unlimited number of saved plays
•Chalkboard feature for quick drawing and reference
•Shake feature to start a New Play
•Trash can feature to erase offense or defensive players or routes
•Erase individual players with a tap and drag feature
•Automatic line reset when you draw a new line on a player (no time wasted erasing old line)
•Create Notes for plays
•Cones for drills
•Play sequence automatically moves your players to the end of their routes so you can start the next sequence of your play
•Automatic save feature so you don’t lose play when you back out of app
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