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Color Splash 3.3
Screen Shots:
Color Splash lets you quickly and easily give photos a dramatic look by converting them to black and white, while keeping your chosen details in color. This effect draws the viewers' attention to the colored areas, creating striking images.
The intuitive and responsive multi-touch user interface makes Color Splash amazingly easy and fun to use. Use your finger as a brush to "paint" sections of your image black and white, or to bring back the original color. Zooming in and out using the two-finger pinching gesture allows you to work on details with pixel-accuracy.
- Short tutorial videos explain the use of all features and will have you editing your images in minutes.
- Choose photos to edit from your iPhone photo library or from Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Google+, Picasa or Flickr.
- Share your edited images on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr or Picasa. Email them, or save them to your Dropbox.
- Save multiple sessions to resume your work later.
- Undo any number of accidental brush strokes.
- An alternative view mode highlights the regions that will remain in color with a red tint. This makes it easier to see and adjust the boundaries between color and black & white regions.
- Choose from 4 different brushes (hard or soft edged, opaque or transparent) and adjust the brush size.
- Hide the toolbars in full screen mode.