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1mind Theatre Of The Mind 1.1
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Are you looking for some good news? Look no more. Theatre of the Mind brings you in-depth interviews with maverick researchers, scientists and visionaries that will change how you think about yourself and the world. Open your mind to the greatest cutting- edge ideas and learn some things that might radically improve your life. Subjects include, healing, philosophy, physics, metaphysics, psychology and spiritual growth.
Life-changing *****
By E.K. Carr
Kelly’s podcasts are absolutely amazing. Every one is full of mind opening, paradigm-shattering information and ideas, and I’ve discovered a wealth of resources through them. And they’re free! I know it sounds corny, but some of them have introduced me to things that have literally changed my life, health and attitude. It’s like an introduction to the greatest cutting-edge ideas out there. I hope it changes your life too.
1Mind gives you instant access to all Theatre of the Mind shows.
1Mind syncs via WIFI or cellular network and downloads the latest interviews; show extras and blog posts directly to your device. Archives of all the previous shows are there too!
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