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Cybex Bravo Workout Guide 1.0
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The Cybex Bravo functional trainer is one of the most versatile exercise machines in the world. This app is the perfect companion to the Bravo, offering exercise set up and training information needed to get the best results from your workout.
This fitness app will aid you in setting up the Bravo for 20 of the most popular exercises.
By entering your height, a Customized Set-up Guide is created with each adjustment calculated based on your individual size.
This app will help you become familiar with the various exercise patterns and adjustments, by showing you an interactive image for each one. There is also a video of each exercise being performed so you can see the recommended path of motion.
The proof is in the numbers, no one tops Bravo. The unique, state-of-the-art Progressive Stabilization feature means you can increase core strength and workload at the same time. With over three times the increase in load capacity and almost three times the increase in core activation, no other functional trainer or selectorized system can touch Bravo’s results.
Whatever your goal, Cybex gets you there – faster.
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