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Did You Know 1
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“Did You Know” reveals fascinating facts about life, things and people around us.
This app includes more than 1,000 information and facts on various subjects.
Tap the screen to view the next page.
Weird and strange facts that you most likely did not know.... but once you know it, you will be shocked and amazed. Subjects include: Science, History, Geography, Health, Music, Literature and many more.
Examples of some facts include:
- Did you know stewardesses is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand
-Did you know the Amazon rainforest produces half the world's oxygen supply
-Did you know 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
-Did you know the human body contains 96,000km(59,650miles) of blood vessels
- Great conversation starters
- Quick, easy, educational diversion for kids
'Did You Know “ works with all generations of the iPhone, as well as the iPod Touch.
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