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Digi Shop 1.2
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Digi-Shop is an agile and easy-to-use application that transforms your iPhone into a flexible tool for querying your company's Digi-Shop database. Digi-Shop is an indispensible tool for owners and managers who need more information at their fingertips, anytime, anywhere. It is also perfect for supplying key customers with up-to-the-minute progress reports on job data, postage info, inventory levels, and more.
It requires the purchase and installation of a server-side component that will provide for the connections to your database. This module, which is easily configurable, is available for Digi-Shop SQL version software users.
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Once the server-side component is installed, Digi-Shop will link to your Digi-Shop SQL Server database, allowing you to navigate your data, view critical benchmarks, and make key business decisions based on up-to-the-minute information.
Version 1.1 includes the following features:
-Complete set of powerful management reports, ready to use
-Email any report from right from your iPhone
-Define user groups and privileges for each report
-Create personalized reports for anyone to view on their iPhone or the web
-Create and customize your own reports using native SQL views
To deploy the server side component - Digi-Shop requires Digi-Shop SQL v8.1 or higher, and a Microsoft Windows Server running IIS and
For further information, drop us a line (at for any help in installing and configuring the product.